How Do I Treat Flea Bites on a Dog?


Dogs can easily get fleas from playing around in tall grass or simply being in contact with an infected dog. Flea bites on a dog will create discomfort and pain, which can be alleviated with a flea shampoo and a bit of aloe vera gel. Also, fatty-acid supplements like flaxseed oil can also help the dog recover. Ridding your home of flea infestation will help to keep the fleas from further plaguing your dogs.

Take the dog to a secluded, non-carpeted area of the house. While wearing protective gloves and a long-sleeved shirt, carefully brush the dog’s coat with a flea comb to remove excess vermin. The flea comb has teeth that are tightly spaced, allowing it to remove fleas from in between the hair fibers.

basset hound

Once the dog’s coat is thoroughly combed and detangled, it will be time to shampoo the dog’s coat with a shampoo formulated to kill fleas. Douse the hair with water and work in the medicated shampoo, being sure to focus on heavily-soiled areas. Flea bites on a dog tend to hurt, so make sure that you use a gentle motion on these sore areas.

Thoroughly rinse the product off with warm water, being sure that no suds are left on the dog as this may make him or her itch more. The water might be murky due to dead fleas. Lather in the medicated shampoo a second time, allowing the shampoo to sit on the coat for a few minutes. Thoroughly rinse the coat with warm water once again.

Towel dry the hair, allowing the dog to completely dry on its on. Spot-treat any sore areas with aloe vera gel. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties, allowing it to calm the irritated flea bites on a dog. Rub the gel in until it is completely absorbed into the dog’s skin.

brown poodle

Supplement the dog’s diet with flaxseed oil. Flea bites on a dog can cause pain, and a fatty acid like flaxseed oil can help the dog to combat discomfort from the inside. Add a couple of drops of the beneficial oil on the dog’s food or water during meal times as well.

When treating flea bites on a dog, it is important to deter the formation of flea colonies by effectively disinfecting the household. Active treatment can be stunted if there is an active flea infestation in the household. Power on the vacuum cleaner and make sure to thoroughly clean all carpeted areas, making sure to focus on the dog’s play areas. Remove any pillows and plush toys from the dog’s kennel, and pop them in the washing machine. Use hot water with ample amounts of disinfecting soap.

Another method to attract fleas in the household is the candle method. Put several disposable aluminum pie plates spaced out on the floor of your home. Till them halfway with water and place a non-scented candle in the middle of the pie plate. Light the candle and wait at least 30 minutes. The light and heat from the candle will attract the fleas, but they will be drowned in the water while trying to get to the flame.

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