Which Animals Can Recognize Their Own Reflection?

Relatively few animals have the ability to recognize their own reflection. The measurement for self-recognition is the mirror test, a psychological test developed by Gordon Gallup, Jr. Animals that can recognize themselves in a mirror include dolphins, orcas and elephants.

More on the mirror test:

  • Human children generally cannot recognize their own reflection until they are about 18 months old.

  • Some birds have passed the mirror test, including European magpies and trained pigeons, although it is not clear whether pigeons in general have the self-awareness to pass the test.

  • Gorillas have had difficulty with the test, although Koko, a gorilla that uses sign language, has passed it. Researchers suspect that gorillas' problems with the test might be because gorillas consider direct eye contact a sign of aggression.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which animals have been proven to recognize their own reflection?

Several species have demonstrated the ability to recognize themselves in mirrors. Great apes like chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans are known for this ability. Dolphins, elephants, and certain corvids, such as magpies, have also passed the mirror test, indicating self-recognition. According to studies, these animals show behaviors suggesting they understand the reflection is of themselves.

How do scientists test if an animal can recognize its reflection?

Scientists often use the "mirror test" to assess an animal's self-recognition. This involves marking the animal with a non-toxic, scentless dye in a place they can't see without a mirror. If the animal uses the mirror to investigate and possibly try to remove the mark, it suggests they recognize the reflection as their own image.

What does it mean for an animal to pass the mirror test?

Passing the mirror test implies that an animal can understand that the image in the mirror is a reflection of themselves, not another animal. This cognitive ability is linked to higher levels of self-awareness and may indicate complex social behaviors and consciousness. It's a significant indicator of advanced cognitive processes in animals.

Are there any birds that can recognize their own reflection?

Yes, certain bird species, particularly some corvids, have shown the ability to recognize their own reflection. The European magpie is one notable example that has passed the mirror test, suggesting a level of self-awareness. These intelligent birds demonstrate problem-solving skills and complex social behaviors, which may be related to their self-recognition capabilities.

Can dogs and cats recognize themselves in a mirror?

Typically, dogs and cats do not pass the mirror test, indicating they may not recognize their own reflection. Dogs often treat the image as another dog, while cats may show little interest. However, this doesn't necessarily mean they lack self-awareness; they might simply rely on other senses, like smell, to identify themselves and others.

Does the ability to recognize oneself in a mirror correlate with intelligence?

The ability to recognize oneself in a mirror is often associated with higher cognitive abilities and self-awareness, which are aspects of intelligence. However, intelligence is multifaceted and can manifest in various ways across species. An animal may excel in other areas of intelligence without having mirror self-recognition, so it's not the sole measure of an animal's cognitive abilities.

More Info: www.sciencedaily.com

Discussion Comments


Pigeons can recognize themselves in the mirror, but cats can't recognize themselves at all.


I had a dog that would look at herself in the mirror whenever she got a new toy. seeing herself with the toy in her mouth was rather convincing that she was in fact checking herself out.


It would appear that cats often recognize themselves in the mirror. At first they look behind it as kittens and then seem to know it is themselves. Any proof or ideas?


I thought cats could also see themselves in a mirror! They have frontal lobes, just like humans. The problem is that it's only an image without other senses, like sound and smell, so beyond the first few times, the mirror image is ignored.


As a young girl I used to keep budgerigars/budgies as pets and clearly remember that one or the other male would "make love" to a mirror I had added to its cage watching it as it was actually reaching orgasm.

It may have recognized not itself, but it did recognize the reflection of another, hopefully female, bird, thus showing that the mirror image was acknowledged and reacted to? Bird brain!

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