What is the Loudest Animal?

The blue whale is the loudest animal on Earth. The whale's calls can reach 188 decibels, louder than jet engine at 140 decibels, and can be heard for more than 500 miles (805 kilometers). The blue whale also is the largest animal — they can measure 100 feet (31 meters) and 160 tons (145,149 kilograms). The whale eats up to 8 tons (7,257 kilograms) of food per day.

More Indoor Voice Facts:

  • The howler monkey is the second loudest animal and the loudest land animal. Its screeches can be heard for up to 3 miles (about 5 kilometers).

  • Human hearing tissue starts to die at 180 decibels.

  • A typical lawn mower reaches about 107 decibels. Long-term exposure to sounds above about 95 decibels can cause hearing loss — one more excuse not to mow the lawn.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the loudest animal on Earth?

The title of the loudest animal on Earth goes to the sperm whale. According to marine biologists, the sperm whale's clicks can reach an astonishing 230 decibels underwater, which is louder than a jet engine at takeoff. These powerful sounds are used for communication and echolocation during deep-sea dives.

Can the calls of the loudest animal be harmful to humans?

Yes, the calls of the loudest animals can be harmful to humans. Exposure to the intense sounds produced by animals like the sperm whale can lead to hearing damage or disorientation if a person is in close proximity underwater without proper ear protection. It's essential to maintain a safe distance from these powerful sound sources.

How do animals benefit from being loud?

Animals use loud sounds for various reasons, such as attracting mates, deterring predators, establishing territory, and communicating with others in their species. For example, the howler monkey's resonant calls can be heard up to 3 miles away in dense forests, helping it to communicate across large distances and thick vegetation.

Are there any birds that are considered extremely loud?

Indeed, the white bellbird holds the record for the loudest bird call ever measured. Found in the Amazon rainforest, its piercing call can reach up to 125 decibels, which is as loud as a chainsaw. This extraordinary volume helps the male bellbird attract females and assert dominance over its territory.

Do any insects produce exceptionally loud sounds?

Among insects, the African cicada is known for producing extremely loud sounds. Some species can emit calls exceeding 106 decibels, which is comparable to the noise level of a chainsaw. These sounds serve to repel predators and attract mates, demonstrating the importance of volume in insect communication.

What marine animal other than the sperm whale is known for its loud sound?

The blue whale, the largest animal on the planet, is also known for its impressive vocalizations. Its low-frequency calls can reach up to 188 decibels and travel hundreds of miles underwater. These powerful calls are essential for long-distance communication among blue whales, helping them to navigate and maintain social connections.

More Info: NOAA; Smithsonian

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