Is There Such a Thing as Blue Lava?

Indonesia' Kawah Ijen Volcano produces blue lava, which glows at night. This is due to the combustion of sulfuric gases when they meet air temperatures exceeding 239 degrees Fahreneit (115 degrees Celsius). The volcano is part of a group of stratovolcanoes—volcanoes built up by layers of hardened ash, lava, and other materials—called the Ijen volcano complex. Since the volcano produces large amounts of sulfur, and despite the high-level of toxicity in the area, sulfur mining takes place in the area.

More about volcanoes:

  • Lava flows can reach more that 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,250 Celsius).
  • Italy's Mt. Etna is supposedly the world's oldest volcano with its first recorded eruption in 1500 BC. The world's youngest volcano located in Paricutin, Mexico with its first eruption in February 1943.
  • The majority of the world's volcanoes, nearly 90%, exist within the Ring of Fire that runs along the edges of the Pacific Ocean.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes lava to appear blue?

The blue glow of lava is not due to the lava itself, but rather to the combustion of sulfuric gases. When these gases come into contact with air at temperatures above 360°C (680°F), they ignite and produce striking blue flames. This phenomenon is particularly visible at Indonesia's Kawah Ijen volcano, where high sulfur content and low oxygen conditions facilitate this unique display.

Can blue lava be found in volcanoes around the world?

Blue lava, or more accurately, blue flames from burning sulfur, is a rare occurrence and is not found in most volcanoes. It is most famously observed at the Kawah Ijen volcano in Indonesia. The specific geological conditions required for this phenomenon, such as high sulfur concentrations and just the right amount of oxygen, are not common in other volcanic regions.

Is blue lava hotter than regular lava?

Blue lava is not actually lava, but rather the blue flames from burning sulfur gases. The temperature of these gases when they ignite can exceed 600°C, which is cooler than the typical temperature of red or orange lava, which ranges from 700°C to 1,200°C. Therefore, the blue flames are not an indicator of hotter lava, but rather of sulfur combustion.

How can I see blue lava?

To witness the blue flames associated with burning sulfur, one must visit specific sites like the Kawah Ijen volcano in Indonesia. It requires a nighttime trek to fully appreciate the blue glow, as it's more visible against the dark backdrop. Tourists often embark on guided tours to safely navigate the challenging terrain and to observe this natural wonder responsibly.

Is the blue lava phenomenon dangerous to observe?

Observing the blue flames can be dangerous due to the toxic sulfur gases released during combustion. These gases can pose serious respiratory hazards, and the terrain around such volcanic areas is often treacherous. Visitors to sites like Kawah Ijen must take precautions, such as wearing gas masks and following safety guidelines provided by tour guides.

Has blue lava been studied for scientific research?

Yes, the phenomenon of blue flames from burning sulfur has been studied by volcanologists and geochemists to understand volcanic processes and gas emissions. Research on these emissions can provide insights into the inner workings of volcanoes and contribute to monitoring volcanic activity, which is crucial for predicting eruptions and ensuring public safety.

More Info: Adventure Journal

Discussion Comments


Even though I haven't been near a volcano, I do enjoy going to the museums where you can take a look at what's left over from the eruptions, such as hardened lava. Not only does this shows the values of volcanoes, but even more so, it teaches you that sometimes even the most dangerous things can turn into the most interesting exhibits.


Just a thought, but in this day and age, are there any civilizations of people that live near an active volcano? The reason why I'm asking is because if there are, that can be considered incredibly dangerous. If a volcano happens to erupt, one can end up suffering severe burns, and death. On another note, even if one lives ten miles from an active volcano, the fumes and heat will still get to them, since the eruptions travel for miles on end.


In relation to this article, considering how blue lava tends to flow at night, is this one of the things that happened to inspire lava lamps? In fact, let's look at it this way, the "lava" inside of a lamp tends to glow many different colors, and it also tends to give the illusion that there's lava inside of it, even when there is none. Based on this, it's easy to assume that's how the lamps got their name and origin. On another note, I also find it interesting that lava flows can reach such a high temperature. Even though this shouldn't come as a surprise, it really shows you just how dangerous a volcano can be, and that you should always use extreme caution if you're planning on hiking or taking a trip.

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