How Smart Are Octopuses?

Scientists have long documented the ability of octopuses to solve mazes, complete tasks, and, at least in the short term, remember what they have learned. Billye, a giant Pacific octopus living at the Seattle Aquarium, amazed her handlers one day by figuring out how to open a container with a childproof safety cap in less than an hour. But Billye's accomplishment is not entirely unique -- in the 1950s, Jacques Cousteau found that octopuses were even able to remove corks from bottles.

Octopuses are not dumb mollusks, by any means. Relative to their body weight, octopuses and cuttlefish have larger brains than most fish and reptiles.

Facts about the clever cephalopod:

  • Octopuses are among an elite group of intelligent animals that have been observed using tools. The group includes chimpanzees, dolphins, and crows.
  • Octopuses can change color in just three-tenths of a second, often resembling undersea objects such as plants or rocks in order to blend in with the environment.
  • A common octopus has about 240 suckers on each limb, and a large sucker can hold as much as 35 pounds (16 kg).

Frequently Asked Questions

How do octopuses demonstrate their intelligence?

Octopuses exhibit remarkable intelligence through problem-solving abilities, such as navigating mazes or unscrewing jars to access food. They also show adaptability by learning through observation and employing tools, like using coconut shells for shelter. Their complex behaviors, including escape artistry and mimicry, further underscore their cognitive prowess.

Can octopuses learn from observation like humans do?

Yes, octopuses can learn from observation, a trait that is quite rare in the animal kingdom. Studies have shown that they can observe another octopus performing a task and then replicate it, indicating a level of cognitive ability that involves both attention and retention, akin to some forms of human learning.

What is the evidence for octopuses using tools?

Evidence for octopuses using tools comes from observations of species like the veined octopus, which has been seen collecting coconut shells and assembling them to create a shelter. This behavior is considered a sophisticated use of tools, demonstrating foresight and an understanding of the objects' utility.

How does the octopus brain compare to that of other animals?

The octopus brain is highly complex and large relative to its body size. It contains about 500 million neurons, with two-thirds distributed throughout their arms, allowing independent and coordinated limb movement. This decentralized nervous system is unique and gives them exceptional control and sensory capabilities compared to many other invertebrates.

Do octopuses have memory, and if so, how good is it?

Octopuses possess both short-term and long-term memory, facilitated by a brain structure similar to the hippocampus in humans, which is involved in memory and learning. Their memory enables them to navigate mazes and remember solutions to problems, indicating a sophisticated level of recall and learning ability.

Are octopuses social creatures, and does this affect their intelligence?

Octopuses are generally solitary creatures, but recent studies suggest that some species exhibit social behaviors, such as communicating through body color changes. While social interaction can be a factor in the development of intelligence, octopuses have evolved complex behaviors and problem-solving skills that are more associated with their need to adapt to diverse environments.

More Info: Discover

Discussion Comments


They can also get out of any container that has the slightest of gaps. Their ability to go thin is amazing. I don't know why people eat them.

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