How Much Do Cats Sleep?

Cats sleep for an average of about 15 hours per day, although kittens and older cats might sleep for as many as 20 hours a day. About two-thirds of their lives are spent asleep. They generally sleep for only short bursts of time, which is thought to be because they are natural predators and need to conserve energy for hunting while simultaneously being ready to pounce or run at the first sign of noise. Cats are genetically crepuscular, meaning that they are most active when light is low, such as at dawn and dusk. Those who live indoors are able to adjust their sleep cycles to sleep through the night like their owners. When cats are awake, they spend about one-third of their time grooming themselves.

More about cats:

  • Cats have larger eyes than any other mammal.
  • Most cats generally meow only at humans. When they communicate with one another, they tend to hiss or purr instead.
  • Cats are the most popular pets in North America, with more than 70 million of them kept as pets, compared with less than 65 million dogs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many hours a day do cats typically sleep?

On average, cats sleep between 12 to 16 hours per day, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. This sleep pattern is a result of their evolutionary predator instinct, which requires conservation of energy for hunting, even though domestic cats no longer need to hunt for their food.

Do cats have a specific sleep cycle like humans?

Yes, cats experience both REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep cycles. They spend about 25% of their sleep in the REM phase, which is crucial for processing information and preserving memories, similar to humans. This is when cats may twitch or move, indicating they are dreaming.

Why do cats sleep more during the day?

Cats are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during the dawn and dusk hours. This behavior is rooted in their natural hunting patterns. During the day, they conserve energy by sleeping, which is often mistaken for laziness. In reality, it's an instinctual trait for survival in the wild.

Can a cat sleep too much?

While it's normal for cats to sleep a lot, excessive sleep can sometimes be a sign of illness. If a cat's sleep patterns change suddenly or if they seem lethargic during their usual wakeful periods, it's important to consult a veterinarian. Conditions like diabetes or hypothyroidism could be the cause, as noted by the Cornell Feline Health Center.

How does a cat's age affect its sleeping habits?

Kittens and older cats tend to sleep more than adult cats. Kittens may sleep up to 20 hours a day as their bodies are growing and developing. Senior cats, on the other hand, may sleep more due to a decrease in energy and mobility, as well as potential age-related health issues.

Is it normal for my cat to sleep with me at night?

Many cats enjoy sleeping with their owners for warmth, comfort, and security. It's a sign of trust and affection. However, if your cat's nighttime activities disrupt your sleep, you may need to establish separate sleeping arrangements. Each cat has unique preferences, so what's normal can vary widely from one cat to another.

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